klimam – PRISMACLOUD https://prismacloud.eu PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD Mon, 09 Jan 2017 10:54:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.4 PRISMACLOUD at the 5th Annual Cloud Security Alliance EMEA Congress https://prismacloud.eu/prismacloud-at-the-5th-annual-cloud-security-alliance-emea-congress/ Mon, 09 Jan 2017 10:53:22 +0000 https://service.ait.ac.at/prismaclone/?p=1462 csa

On November 14-15th 2016, Atos participated in Cloudwatch2 Cloud Security Plugfest, an event organized by CloudWatch2 project (a European Cloud observatory supporting cloud policies, standard profiles & services) in cooperation with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and collocated with CSA EMEA Congress 2016 in Madrid. Our project colleagues represented PRISMACLOUD at both events, where other related DPSP projects were also presented. In addition to representing a communication opportunity, the outcomes of both events are relevant to PRISMACLOUD as they respectively focus on gaining from the cloud research and industrial communities different perspectives related respectively to maximizing the adoption of and contribution to  security standards in cloud projects and on addressing the current and coming changes in cloud security and privacy, where PRISMACLOUD is enabling remarkable technological advances beyond the state of the art, with high potential for beneficial impact across Europe and beyond.

More info about the 5th Annual CSA EMEA Congress: https://csacongress.org/event/emea-congress-2016/

AIT filed the first PRISMACLOUD patent https://prismacloud.eu/ait-filed-the-first-prismacloud-patent/ Fri, 16 Dec 2016 14:34:09 +0000 https://service.ait.ac.at/prismaclone/?p=1459 When using distributed storage systems to outsource data storage into the cloud, it is often vital that this is done in a privacy preserving way, i.e., without the storage servers learning anything about the stored data. Especially when storing critical data, one often further requires efficient means to check whether the data is actually stored correctly on these servers. In the best case, such an auditing could itself be outsourced to a third party which does not need to be trusted by the data owner. That is, also the auditing mechanism should guarantee privacy, even if the auditor collaborates with a (sub)set of the storage servers. However, so far only a small number of privacy preserving third party auditing mechanisms has been presented for single server storage solutions, and no such protocols exist at all for a distributed storage setting. In this patent, we therefore define and instantiate a privacy preserving auditable distributed storage system. Our instantiation can be based on any homomorphic secret sharing scheme, and is fully keyless, efficient, and information-theoretically private. Furthermore, it supports batch audits, and is backward compatible with existing secret sharing based storage solutions.

Post-doc position in cryptography for PRISMACLOUD at Newcastle University https://prismacloud.eu/post-doc-position-in-cryptography-for-prismacloud-at-newcastle-university/ Thu, 15 Dec 2016 14:02:21 +0000 https://service.ait.ac.at/prismaclone/?p=1456 We are offering a post-doctoral Research Assistant/Associate position in applied cryptography. The position includes the investigation of new cryptographic primitives and protocols to certify cloud systems in a confidentiality-preserving way.
We ask questions like: How can we digitally sign and prove properties of complex data structures, without disclosing further information about them? How can we certify entire topologies of computer systems, while maintaining the confidentiality of the system's blueprint?

The position is part of the EU Horizon2020 Project PRISMACLOUD, allowing for collaboration with a range of European partners. It is fixed term for 2 years and is full time.
For informal enquiries please contact the Project Leader, Dr Thomas Gross – Thomas.gross@ncl.ac.uk
As part of your application, please provide a CV and covering letter which details your prior experience in cryptography, especially in relation to anonymous credential systems or authenticated data structures.
The School of Computing Science of Newcastle University has been nominated by the Times Higher Education (THE) as one of the top-100 computer science departments in the world. It is recognized as an UK Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research.
The School of Computer Science is committed to promoting equality and diversity, including the Athena SWAN charter for promoting women’s careers in STEMM subjects (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) in higher education. The School received a Bronze Award in 2015 for their commitment to the representation of women in the workplace and we welcome all candidates to apply for this post. Appointment will always be made on merit.

