D2.3 Use Case Specification

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary 

The goal of this deliverable is providining a detailed description of the Use Cases in the three domains: E-Government, E-Health and Smart City.
The first part of the document starts with the project’s scope and describes the methodological approach chosen for use case description which includes the formal way for describing the Use Cases and their application of crypto-tools.

In section 4 stakeholders are briefly addressed. Even if this deliverable is not oriented to market analysis and exploitation, it has been considered worthwhile having a look at stakeholders, so that the following work on UCs could be done with a better understanding of the stakeholders’ needs.
After considering stakeholders, the document describes the crypto-tools that have to be applied to Use Cases. The goal is to introduce the primitives and the functionalities that may be provided as well as the partners in charge for each specific tool. The primitives are grouped into three significant application fields: data storage in the cloud; authentication of stored and processed data; user privacy protection. Primitives are described in detail in deliverables D2.1 Legal, social and HCI requirements and D2.2 Domain independent generic security models.
Having described the crypto-tools, the document presents a comprehensive description of Use Cases. To start with, for each UC, it is given a broad description of the general scenario in which it takes place, then, a more detailed description of the specific UCs is provided.
In section 7 the deliverable presents a matrix matching the UCs and crypto-tools, showing where each crypto-tool will be applied.

The final part of the deliverable, consists of the gathered PRISMACLOUD User Requirements (URs) for crypto-tools and UCs. URs collection has been an exercize carried out by the whole consortium and it has been done using an online platform, Volere, that has been made available by the partner ETRA. The consortium has gone through two iterations of collection and revision of URs. The deliverable contains the updated result at the moment of this deliverable deadline (second iteration): the list of URs organized in a prioritized table. The consortium will further work on the URs refinement through the Volere platform which is available to consult the most updated version of URs.