PRIvacy & Security MAintaining Services in the CLOUD
Protean Signature Schemes


Protean Signature Schemes

Title Protean Signature Schemes Authors Stephan Krenn (AIT), Henrich C. Pöhls (UNI PASSAU), Kai Samelin (IBM Research Zurich), Daniel Slamanig (AIT) Abstract tba Venue Cryptology and Network Security - CANS 2018  ( Place and Date Naples, Italy, Sep 30...

Privacy Controls for Patients via a Selective Authentic Electronic Health Record Exchange Service: Qualitative Study of Perspectives by Medical Professionals and Patients


Privacy Controls for Patients via a Selective Authentic Electronic Health Record Exchange Service: Qualitative Study of Perspectives by Medical Professionals and Patients

Title Privacy Controls for Patients via a Selective Authentic Electronic Health Record Exchange Service: Qualitative Study of Perspectives by Medical Professionals and Patients Authors Alaqra AS, Fischer-Hübner S, Framner E Abstract Background: Patients’ privacy is regarded as essential for...

D6.9 Report on security testing


D6.9 Report on security testing

Contributing Partners CEA Executive Summary PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and makes them usable for providers and users. This document is a...

D9.7  Standards activity report


D9.7 Standards activity report

Contributing Partners UNIL, UNI PASSAU, AIT Executive Summary The standardisation activity, which spanned over the entire duration of the project, started with one year of analysis, planning, and preparation. A standardisation plan was developed (D9.5, M12) and its implementation...

D5.12 Publicly verifiable computing techniques providing long-term privacy


D5.12 Publicly verifi able computing techniques providing long-term privacy

Contributing Partners TUDA, AIT, TUGRAZ, UNEW Executive Summary PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application, to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services, and make them usable for providers and users. The...

D7.2 Progress report for security and privacy by design guidelines


D7.2 Progress report for security and privacy by design guidelines

Contributing Partners ATOS, ETRA, LISPA Executive Summary This report is the second deliverable of the task T7.1 Security and Privacy by design. This task defines the translation of privacy principles as outlined in data protection legal frameworks into privacy...

D3.3 HCI research report


D3.3 HCI research report

Contributing Partners KAU, UNIL, AIT, XITRUST Executive Summary This deliverable summarises the main findings of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research work within the PRISMACLOUD project. The focus of our work has been on researching HCI aspects and providing...

D3.7 Secure Cloud Usage for End Users


D3.7 Secure Cloud Usage for End Users

Contributing Partners UNIL, AIT, UNI PASSAU, ATOS, FCSR, IRT Executive Summary The PRISMACLOUD services are intended for use by people, companies, and organisa-tions who are rather experts for their own domains than for the complexities of highly distributed cloud...

D9.9 Advisory board communication summary 2


D9.9 Advisory board communication summary 2

Contributing Partners AIT, UNIL, ATOS, UNI PASSAU, KAU Executive Summary PRISMACLOUD is a huge undertaking with various results, and an outside to the consortium advice and guidance is necessary to achieve outstanding results with high exploitation possibilities. At the...

D1.4 Final Management and Progress Report


D1.4 Final Management and Progress Report

Contributing Partners AIT Executive Summary In summary, PRISMACLOUD was successfully executed as planned in the grant agree-ment without any delay. All core work packages of the current reporting period (WP3, WP7 and WP8) were in time and delivered as...



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