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The Future of Cloud Event

The Future of Cloud event took place on the 17th of June 2015 and was targeting industry experts in the field of IT and security. The event was hosted by project coordinator AIT and organized together with EuroCloud Austria, presenting...


Accountable Redactable Signatures

Henrich C. Pöhls and Kai Samelin, "Accountable Redactable Signatures "10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2015, IEEE, Toulouse, France, August 24–28, 2015.


Verifiably Encrypted Signatures: Security Revisited and a New Construction

Christian Hanser, Max Rabkin and Dominique Schröder, "Verifiably Encrypted Signatures: Security Revisited and a New Construction." 20th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Computer Security - ESORICS 2015, volume 5922 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, September 21-25, 2015.


Privacy and security in the cloud - Challenges and solutions for our future information Society

Presentation download

T. Laenger, Privacy and security in the cloud - Challenges and solutions for our future information society, Panel "Building trust - the technical challenges", World Summit on the Information Society Forum, 25-29 May 2015 ITU, UNESCO, UNDP...


PRISMACLOUD Project Presentation

Presentation download

T. Loruenser, PRISMACLOUD, 4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP Forum 2015, Brussels.


IFIP Summer School 2015 | 16-21 August 2015

PRISMACLOUD is an official supporter of the IFIP Summer School 2015! The 10th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management - Time for Revolution will take place on 16-21 August 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. The summer...


The Future of Cloud | 17 June 2015

PRISMACLOUD is co-organizing an event presenting cloud (security) research to industry. "The future of cloud" will take place in Vienna at the 17th of June and showcase our approach to leading ICT industry people also discussing with them challenges they are...


M2M Forum CEE | 9 June 2015

Thomas Loruenser will be at the M2M Forum and will talk about "Secure Cloud Technologies for the Industrial Internet"! Increasingly intelligent technologies have taken our everyday life and work to new levels of interconnective smartness. Hear the latest from...


Press Release - Project Start

Download the Press Release

PRISMACLOUD is an EU Horizon 2020 research project of 42 month duration (February 2015 – July 2018) developing the next generation of cloud security technologies. With a budget of 8.5 Million Euro over 3.5...


WSIS Forum 2015 | 25-29 May 2015

Thomas Laenger from University of Lausanne presented PRISMACLOUD Project during the "Building Trust-The Technical Challenges" session in WSIS Forum 2015! Future networks will need to support a huge volume of ICT applications and a very broad spectrum of services. The next...

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