Cryptographic solutions offer enhanced cloud security
It isn’t just individuals uploading more and more information to the cloud, governments and companies do so too – but at what risk? One project set out to respond to security and privacy concerns. Cloud computing is fast becoming...
TRUSTEE - data pRivacy and cloUd Security clustEr Europe
TRUSTEE (data pRivacy and cloUd Security clustEr Europe) is a network of 11 research projects funded by the European Union that was established within the Common Dissemination Booster initiative. The cluster is coordinated by CREDENTIAL, and furthermore subsumes the...
Impressions from Infosecurity Europe 2018
Mikroplan (MPL) and AIT presented the project results at the Infosecurity Europe. Infosecurity Europe is the region's number one information security event featuring Europe's largest and most comprehensive conference programme and over 400 exhibitors showcasing the most relevant information...
Protean Signature Schemes
Title Protean Signature Schemes Authors Stephan Krenn (AIT), Henrich C. Pöhls (UNI PASSAU), Kai Samelin (IBM Research Zurich), Daniel Slamanig (AIT) Abstract tba Venue Cryptology and Network Security - CANS 2018 (http://cans2018.na.icar.cnr.it/) Place and Date Naples, Italy, Sep 30...