PRIvacy & Security MAintaining Services in the CLOUD

The following contains a list of all past and upcoming deliverables of the PRISMACLOUD project. Deliverables marked in italics are confidential and the full version will not be made available online. For all other deliverables, a summary as well as the full version will be made available here. If you have particular further interest in one of our deliverables, please contact us!

WP1 Project Management

D1.1 Project Handbook

D1.2 First Management and Progress Report

D1.3 Second Management and Progress Report

D1.4 Final Management and Progress Report

WP2 Use Cases and Requirements

D2.1 Legal, social and HCI Requirements

D2.2 Domain independent generic security models

D2.3 Use Case Specification

D2.4 Progress Report on Threat Analysis and Security Requirements

D2.5 Risk and Threat Analysis with Security Requirements

WP3 End User and Business Deployment

D3.1 Analysis of Current Baselines and Best Practices for Secure Services

D3.2 HCI Guidelines

D3.3 HCI Research Report

D3.4 Progress Report on Business and Governance Models for Cryptographically Secured Services

D3.5 Business and Governance Model for Cryptographically Secured Services

D3.6 Progress Report on Secure Cloud Usage for End Users

D3.7 Secure Cloud Usage for End Users

WP4 Advancement of Enabling Cryptographic Primitives, Protocols and Schemes

D4.1 Secret Sharing Protocols for Various Adversary Models

D4.2 Progress Report on Efficient Sharing Based Storage Protocols

D4.3 Efficient sharing based storage protocols for mixed adversary

D4.4 Overview of functional and malleable signature schemes

D4.5 Signature schemes allowing for verifiable operations on authenticated data

D4.6 First year research report on Privacy-enhancing cryptography

D4.7 Progress report on Privacy-enhancing cryptography

D4.8 Report on Privacy-enhancing cryptography

D4.9 Analysis of the State of the Art of FPE, OPE and Tokenization schemes

D4.10 Initial Design and Evaluation

D4.11 Final Design and Evaluation

WP5 Basic Building Blocks for Secure Services

D5.1 Design of distributed storage systems without single-point-of- failure

D5.2 Progress report on architectures for distributed storage in dyn. Environments

D5.3 Advanced architecture for distributed storage in dynamic environments

D5.4 Tools for encryption and tokenization techniques developed in T4.4

D5.5 Analysis of the requirements for and the state of the art for privacy and anonymisation techniques

D5.6 Progress report on privacy and anonymisation techniques

D5.7 Final report on privacy and anonymisation techniques

D5.8 Overview of verifiable computing techniques providing private and public verification

D5.9 Analysis of malleable signatures for defining allowed modification and providing verifiable means of conformant processing

D5.10 Privately and publicly verifiable computing techniques providing privacy, integrity, and authenticity

D5.11 Verifiable computing techniques and integrity preserving modifications for data managed by secure storage solutions

D5.12 Publicly verifiable computing techniques providing long-term privacy

WP6 Efficient and secure implementations

D6.1 Intermediate activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support

D6.2 Activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support

D6.3 Proof-of-concept implementation of basic components

D6.4 Selection and specification of tools for software implementation

D6.5 First release of software implementation of selected components

D6.6 Final release efficient implementation of selected components

D6.7 Document of specifications for hardware implementations

D6.8 Prototype of a secured device implementing crypto primitives

D6.9 Report on security testing

WP7 Composition of Next-Generation Secure Cloud Services

D7.1 Progress report for security and privacy by design guidelines

D7.2 Security and privacy by design guidelines for PRISMACLOUD

D7.3 Progress report on holistic security model for secure service composition

D7.4 Holistic security model for secure service composition

D7.5 First version of guidelines and architecture for secure service composition

D7.6 Improved guidelines and architecture for secure service composition

D7.7 Software architecture and interface specification

D7.8 First release of software modules for use case integration and validation

D7.9 Second release of modules for use case integration and validation

WP8 Experimental evaluation and validation of use cases

D8.1 Specification of test-bed configurations for validation phase

D8.2 Smart City use case validation

D8.3 e-Government use case validation

D8.4 Health Care use case validation

D8.5 Evaluation results of the PRISMACLOUD advancements in real environments

WP9 Exploitation and Dissemination

D9.2 Dissemination and exploitation report 1

D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2

D9.4 Dissemination and exploitation report 3

D9.5 Initial assessment of current cloud standardization efforts

D9.6 Standards activity report 1

D9.7 Standards activity report 2

D9.8 User advisory board communication summary 1

D9.9 User advisory board communication summary 2


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