D1.4 Final Management and Progress Report

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

In summary, PRISMACLOUD was successfully executed as planned in the grant agree-ment without any delay. All core work packages of the current reporting period (WP3, WP7 and WP8) were in time and delivered as planned. Accompanying tasks in WP1 and WP9 have been also very active and supported the project with coordination, communication and dissemination activities and generated substantial visibility through participation in many events. Furthermore, the PRISMACLOUD consortium achieved interesting scientific results and published them in the proceedings of peer-reviewed conferences and journals, many of them in good venues as recommended by the reviewers (WP4, WP5). Also, the security testing of the hardware implementation led to new interesting side channel attacks (WP6).
During the last period, the PRISMACLOUD toolkit and the PRISMACLOUD services were integrated in the pilot applications and evaluated. The pilot was run in the piloting infrastruc-ture provided by partner IRT. Additionally, usability and HCI guidelines in form of patterns were developed to make the results more accessible for future use and speed up the adoption of the technologies.
To maximize the impact, an exploitation strategy was developed involving all partners hold-ing relevant IPRs in the project, as well as exploitation beyond the consortium was started (follow-up projects, commercialization of services). Additionally, the standardization strat-egy was successfully executed and efforts to finance the continuation of the work after the project were successful.