D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary 

This deliverable presents the dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities of the PRISMACLOUD project for the second reporting period, following the strategy described in D9.2 Dissemination and exploitation report 1.
There are three main areas that PRISMACLOUD had put its focus on, which is also reflected by the structure of this deliverable: dissemination and communication activities, exploitation activities and standardization activities, even if this last one is also reporting their own deliverables, it is considered as one of the main exploitation outcomes in this project, therefore the progress in those activities is also included now.
From the many general communication activities we want to highlight the frequent update of the webpage, the designation of dissemination material such as brochures and flyers and the publication of the newsletter. As a research project PRISMACLOUD is happy to announce that in this second reporting period 38 peer reviewed publications have been accepted and others under preparation and submission. Whereas, since the project start we have 55 accepted publications. Most of the publications have been jointly prepared by two or more partners or co-authored with external to the project participants. Further, we like to point out that the results and topics of PRISMACLOUD are actively used in the academic teaching, e.g. lectures are given as well as PhD and MSc and BSc students that are supervised. There has been manyoutreach activities that brought the ideas and potential results of PRISMACLOUD to various stakeholders in the industry, as well as several liaison activities with other projects, which enrich and complement PRISMACLOUD tasks.
During this period, exploitation activities have become a key activity focusing to achieve a great impact of the project. The exploitable results have been identified by PRISMACLOUD partners, among them industrial partners play an important role due to their capability to perform a market-oriented analysis. A total of 18 exploitable results have been found in a very detailed analysis. The PRISMACLOUD Consortium organized, together with the European Commission services, an Exploitation Strategy Seminar which was proven to be a powerful tool to understand the exploitability and risk analysis of the project results.
Finally, we provide a report of the recent progress of the standardization activities, especially with regard to ISO/IEC standardisation have continued to gain momentum.