D6.1 Intermediate activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

This report provides an overview of all the software artefacts developed in parallel within the PRISMACLOUD project. This is the first report and it will become updated by the final report delivered as D6.2 at month 30 (August 2017).

The report documents the process that is used to centrally collect and document the prototypical implementations throughout the whole consortium. The use of repositories for documents (dedicated directories on PRISMACLOUD’s sharepoint server) as well as version control systems (git repositories) facilitates sharing within the consortium. Every member is thus able to quickly see the on-going activity. This report captures, as a snapshot the current status of the development activities for all software artefacts of PRISMACLOUD.
Within this deliverable and its corresponding task we define “software artefact” as:

  • all kinds of software implementations: Starting at the lowest tier of the PRISMACLOUD architecture (see Fig. 1) implementations of cryptographic primitives or protocols, as well as the software libraries which will make up the second lowest tier, the PRISMACLOUD tools, which are designed to encapsulate those cryptographic primitives. It continues to cover the implementations required to expose the needed higher-level functionality at the level of PRISMACLOUD services and also all the relevant software that is needed to realise the use-cases’ applications.
  • descriptive documents: A lot of additional aspects of the software are captured in design documents, data models, UML diagrams, as well as application programming interface (API) definitions. This also includes deployment documents, e.g. how to install or use newly developed as well as existing software.

The collection and documentation process described in this report explicitly covers prototypical implementations, which might not be developed any further or which become obsolete after they fulfil their role as proof-of-concept prototypes or performance testbeds. However, of course the inventory is also allowing to track the evolvement of software artefact that will get further re-fined and optimized, or which will get incorporated into other software.