D3.2 HCI Guidelines

Contributing Partners 


Executive Summary 

This deliverable presents the first HCI (Human Computer Interaction) guidelines for the PRISMACLOUD use cases in the area of eHealth, Smart Cities and eGovernment that require the development of user interfaces. HCI Guidance is mainly provided in terms of HCI mockups, conclusions derived from user evaluations and HCI patterns for recommended HCI solutions.
After briefly presenting the PRISMACLOUD use cases and the MOXIS signature solution, the developed mockups for those use cases, their evaluations and the conclusions of these evaluations in terms of HCI guidance are presented in the subsequent chapters. Then, a chapter on the evaluation of ARCHISTAR via structured interviews is presented followed by a chapter presenting a first set of HCI patterns for PRISMACLOUD.
Following a user centred design approach with an iterative UI (user interface) development process, we have conducted evaluations with HCI experts and end users including structured and semi-structured interviews, focus groups and cognitive walkthroughs. The aforementioned evaluations derive qualitative results that are used in our guidelines.
Our evaluations showed that, especially for the eHealth use case based on malleable signatures from which evaluations were conducted in Sweden and Germany, user interfaces have to address different types of users having different privacy preferences in different contexts, or having different technical expertise or cultural backgrounds. Interesting to note is especially that technical expert users, who have expertise on how traditional digital signature work, have less trust in malleable signatures after redactions than lay users, who rather seem to think in
terms of a signed paper from which later parts are blacked out.
Guidelines in regard to user-friendly default configuration options for the ARCHISTAR storage system, which is using secret sharing for securely storing different shares of the archives on different cloud servers, were derived from interviews that we conducted with systems administrators and IT security or cloud experts. Relevant to note is especially that most interviewed experts would not like to rely on secret sharing as the only security measure, but would rather like to use secret sharing as an extra security layer together with encryption.
The final HCI research report that will be published at the end of the PRISMACLOUD project will include extended HCI guidelines and an extended catalogue of HCI patterns based on an in-depth analysis of our user evaluations and upcoming experimental evaluation and validation of use cases.