D9.4 Dissemination and Exploitation Report 3

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

This deliverable presents the dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities of the PRISMACLOUD project for the last reporting period, following the strategy described in D9.2 Dissemination and exploitation report 1 and concreted in D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2.
The two main areas covered by this deliverable are dissemination and communication activities (Part A) and exploitation activities (Part B). Although standardization activities are an important outcome of this project and are considered of relevance form the point of view of exploitation, they are reported in the dedicated deliverable D9.7 "Standards activity report 2.
From the many general communication activities, we want to highlight the frequent update of the webpage and the publication of the newsletter as well as the activity in social networks. As a research project PRISMACLOUD is happy to announce that in this last reporting period we had 24 peer reviewed conference publications and 3 journal articles accepted whereas 7 publications are under submission. Since the project start we had 87 accepted publications in total. Furthermore, we organized and participated in scientific and industry events and the project partners participated in more than 40 events and conferences where we had the chance to present our results.
We like to point out that the PRISMACLOUD is benefited from the Common Dissemination Booster Services. The main idea of the CDB is to bring results from several projects together and to form a portfolio of thematic projects with alternative and complementary results. Thus, we formed the TRUSTEE cluster which consists of 11 research projects.
During this last period, exploitation activities have been a key activity focusing to achieve a great impact of the project. The consortium has updated the project’s exploitation plan and the exploitable results have been refined by all partners involved in commercial exploitation. In particular, individual exploitation plans from all the Consortium partners have been reported, the final list of Key Exploitable Results has been characterized and finally the Joint exploitation, IPR management and internal agreements has been defined.
The market analysis towards the commercialization of PRISMACLOUD results focuses on the review of the state of the art in the solutions, initiatives and stakeholders related to the PRISMACLOUD scenario and in particular for the solutions developed within the project.