D3.3 HCI research report

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary

This deliverable summarises the main findings of the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research work within the PRISMACLOUD project.
The focus of our work has been on researching HCI aspects and providing HCI guidelines for the Selective Authentic Exchange Service in eHealth and for the Archistar service used in PRISMACLOUD’s eGovernment use case. These two services posed several interesting and practically relevant research challenges that we addressed using a human-centred design approach involving different types of relevant stakeholders. In particular, we conducted user studies via interviews, focus groups, cognitive walkthroughs and inspections for eliciting and refining HCI requirements and for evaluating user interface concepts with the help of user interface mockups.
As a result of our user studies, we present guidelines for making the services usable, accepted, trusted, which will also in the end help to make them well deployable.
These HCI guidelines for usable user interfaces for the Selective Authentic Exchange Service in eHealth and Archistar, or related privacy-enhancing solutions based on malleable signatures or secret sharing, are provided in the form of five HCI patterns. They form the core for this deliverable. The HCI pattern approach has enabled us capturing, sharing and structuring user interface knowledge not only within but also beyond the PRISMACLOUD project.
In particular, this deliverable include the following HCI pattern collection:
* HCI.PR1 Digital Signature Visualization
* HCI.PR2 Stencil for Digital Document Redaction
* HCI.PN3 Locking-in Fields in Redactable Digital Documents
* HCI.PN4 Archistar Configuration Split View
* HCI.PR5 Data-Centric Settings for automated Archistar Configuration
HCI.PR1 and HCR.PR2 are updated versions of patterns that we published in a conference article and presented at HCII 2018.
Moreover, details of the research results are presented in two appended research articles titled “Enhancing Privacy Controls for Patients via a Selective Authentic EHR Exchange Service – Perspectives by Medical Professionals and Patients” (Appendix A) and “Usable Configuration Management for Secure Multi-cloud Storage Applications” (Appendix B).