D5.3 Advanced architecture for distributed storage in dynamic environments

Contributing Partners


Executive Summary 

In this report we present the speci cation of the secure object storage tool (SECOSTOR), as it has been developed in the project. The tool comes with a clean architecture and easy to use modules and interfaces. All components are speci ed in detail for implementation and usage. All together this report speci es core functionality to build secure distributed storage systems on the basis of secret sharing with many additional features not found in comparable projects and solutions. With its rich feature set it supports many possibilities for integration in cloud environments or similar infrastructures, hence, it is a useful tool for service and application developers who want to leverage the technology.
The document contains a description of the overall SECOSTOR tool architecture as well as of the three core software modules. One module is a comprehensive secret sharing library written in Java and comprising various encoding algorithms. The second module also implements secret sharing, but in JavaScript to target client side browser integration. The third one provides a robust concurrency layer for distributed transaction management. It has been developed in JavaScript (Node.js) and works seamlessly together with the provided secret sharing library. Using state of the art web technologies for our tool enables many options for integration and deployment, especially if public cloud providers are part of the con guration.
The architecture and protocols de ned are based on the cryptographic work done in WP4, i.e. D4.1, D4.2 and D4.3. It also builds on the previous results of WP5, i.e., D5.1 and D5.2. More information about the software implementation can be found in WP6 reports and full documentation of the cloud services developed on the basis of the SECOSTOR in reports of WP7. The capabilities of the tool will be demonstrated in two services (SAaaS and DSaaS) which are going to be developed on the basis of the SECOSTOR tool and which will be piloted in two use cases during the last phase of the project.

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