D9.8 User Advisory Board Communication Summary 1

Contributing Partners 


Executive Summary 

The User Advisory Board Communication Summary 1 deliverable presents the User Advisory Board (UAB) members, summarises the UAB communication strategy of the PRISMACLOUD project and the UAB activities carried out during the first year of the project. The PRISMACLOUD UAB is composed of experts from academia and industry and from different fields, such as cloud providers, end users, policy makers, exponents from legislation and standardisation bodies, and other stakeholders. Having all these experts in the UAB guarantees the PRISMACLOUD project’s success. In order to convey the project status, recent advancements and innovations in the project are communicated to the UAB members on a regular basis in workshops and teleconferences, as well as through the UAB mailing list and the regular newsletter. The feedback from the UAB supports the continuous quality control by the project management and enables an efficient steering of the project. In the first year of the project, two events were organised in order to meet the UAB members in person and to attract other possible participants to the board. The goal of the “The Future of Cloud” event, organised together with the EU projects CREDENTIAL and SECCRIT, and EUROCLOUD Austria, was to present the project specifically to industry and to attract industry members. Besides, the goal of the IFIP Summer School was to meet the UAB members and to collect their feedback and elicit requirements regarding the use cases, which at that moment were in the development phase, and the technologies applied in the project, and to present the project to the scientific community. Moreover, the 1st PRISMACLOUD Newsletter was distributed to the UAB members.

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