IPEN 2016 Workshop


The 3rd Internet Privacy Engineering Network (IPEN) Workshop took place on September 9, 2016 at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. IPEN was established in 2014 as a platform that brings together developers and data protection experts with a technical background from different areas in order to launch and support projects that build privacy into everyday tools and develop new tools which can effectively protect and enhance our privacy. The high-quality audience of this year’s IPEN event was led by Achim Klabunde, head of IT Policy sector of the European Data Projection Supervisor (EDPS). Other participants included representatives from data protection authorities like ENISA and ULD, industry like Deutsche Telekom and signatu, as well as researchers. Thomas Länger from University of Lausanne  was there and presented part of our work about Selected Cloud Security Patterns For Improving End User Security and Privacy in Public Clouds.