Secure and Privacy-Friendly Storage and Data Processing in the Cloud


Secure and Privacy-Friendly Storage and Data Processing in the Cloud


Pasquale Chiaro (ICERT) , Simone Fischer-Hübner (KAU), Thomas Groß (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), Stephan Krenn (AIT), Thomas Lorünser (AIT), Ana Isabel Martı́nez Garcı́a (ETRA Investigacion y Desarrollo), Andrea Migliavacca (LISPA), Kai Rannenberg (GUF), Daniel Slamanig (AIT), Christoph Striecks (AIT), and Alberto Zanini (LISPA)


At the IFIP Summer School 2017, the two H2020 projects CREDENTIAL and PRISMACLOUD co-organized a workshop dedicated to introducing the necessary background knowledge and demonstrating prototypes of privacy-preserving solutions for storing, sharing, and processing potentially sensitive data in untrusted cloud environments. This paper summarizes the given presentations and presents the discussions and feedback given by the workshop attendees, including students and senior researchers from different domains as well as relevant non-academic stakeholders such as public data protection agencies.


IFIP Summer School 2017 - Privacy and Identity Management

Place and Date

Ispra, Italy, September 3-8, 2017

Publication Reference

Pasquale Chiaro, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Thomas Groß, Stephan Krenn, Thomas Lorünser, Ana Isabel Martı́nez Garcı́a, Andrea Migliavacca, Kai Rannenberg, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks, and Alberto Zanni. "Secure and Privacy-Friendly Storage and Data Processing in the Cloud". In: IFIP Privacy and Identity Management 2017. IFIP AICT, Ispra/Italy, Springer (to appear).
