eDemocracy | 10-11 December 2015

10 - 11 December 2015, Athens, Greece
Information and communication technologies move fast; faster than society, faster than governments, faster than the law. Connectivity is already impressive, but the near future brings about the interconnection of everything, via the Internet of Things. It also brings fundamental changes to our computing paradigm, with cloud computing gaining momentum and being expected to become the prevalent computing paradigm in the years to come. Increasingly more data are being collected, about almost everything one can imagine; and they remain there, in cyberspace, for ever, sometimes even resisting efforts to delete them. These data are so attractive that a new science, going by the name “big data” has already emerged. All these developments constitute in most cases an improvement in our everyday lives, but sometimes infringe our rights as citizens. The challenge, therefore, is to safeguard citizen rights in the face of a new era, landmarked by new computing paradigms.
This is the theme of the 6th occasion of the International Conference on e-Democracy that will be held in Athens, the cradle of democracy, on 10-11 December 2015. The conference is organized by the Scientific Council for the Information Society, in co-operation with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and a substantial number of European and Greek universities and academia. It is intended, similarly to previous occasions, to provide a forum for presenting and debating the latest developments in the field, from a technical, political, and legal point of view.
The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, panels, Ph.D. colloquia and sessions, workshops, special, regular and poster sessions. All papers will be peer reviewed. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance, and originality. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers will be invited to participate (after the necessary enhancements) to the evaluation process for inclusion in special issues of peer-reviewed journals.
The working language of the 6th International Conference on “e-Democracy ‘15: Challenges for Citizen Rights in the World of the New Computing Paradigms” is English. It is possible, however, that papers on Greek Law cases of e-Democracy issues be presented in Greek.
For mor Information visit: http://www.edemocracy2015.eu/