Towards a New Paradigm for Privacy and Security in Cloud Services


Thomas Lorünser (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Charles Bastos Rodriguez (ATOS Spain S.A.), Denise Demirel (Technische Universität Darmstadt), Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University), Thomas Groß (Newcastle University), Thomas Länger (University of Lausanne), Mathieu des Noes (Commissariat à l’ énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), Henrich C. Pöhls (University of Passau), Boris Rozenberg (IBM Haifa Research Lab), and Daniel Slamanig (Graz University of Technology)


The market for cloud computing can be considered as the major growth area in ICT. However, big companies and public authorities are reluctant to entrust their most sensitive data to external parties for storage and processing. The reason for their hesitation is clear: There exist no satisfactory approaches to adequately protect the data during its lifetime in the cloud. The EU Project
Prismacloud (Horizon 2020 programme; duration 2/2015-7/2018) addresses these challenges and yields a portfolio of novel technologies to build security enabled cloud services, guaranteeing the required security with the strongest notion possible, namely by means of cryptography. We present a new approach towards a next generation of security and privacy enabled services to be
deployed in only partially trusted cloud infrastructures.


4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP Forum 2015 (

Place and Date

Brussels, Belgium, April 28th - 29th, 2015

Publication Reference

Thomas Lorünser, Charles Bastos Rodriguez, Denise Demirel, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Thomas Groß, Thomas Länger, Mathieu des Noes, Henrich C. Pöhls, Boris Rozenberg, and Daniel Slamanig. "Towards a New Paradigm for Privacy and Security in Cloud Services". In New LEIT projects on Security-by-Design - 4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP Forum 2015, Brussels, Belgium, April 28th - 29th, 2015.



   Author    = {Thomas Lorünser and Charles Bastos Rodriguez and Denise Demirel and Simone Fischer-Hübner and Thomas Groß and Thomas Länger and Mathieu des Noes and Henrich C. Pöhls and Boris Rozenberg and Daniel Slamanig},
   Title     = {{Towards a New Paradigm for Privacy and Security in Cloud Services}},
   Booktitle = {New LEIT projects on Security-by-Design - 4th Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP Forum 2015, Brussels, Belgium, April 28 - 29}
   Year      = {2015}, 
   Publisher = {Springer} 