PRIvacy & Security MAintaining Services in the CLOUD

Identity Privacy

CREDENTIAL Wallet Platform
Cloud-based privacy-friendly identity management

Cloud Security Management

TREDISEC Framework
Facilitates the cloud security technology providers to manage the entire lifecycle of the TREDISEC Primitives and RecipesPRISMACLOUD Toolbox
Architecture and tools for cloud security and privacy services

MUSA Framework
Security DevOps framework fully integrated offering a Trello-style Dashboard.

UNICORN Integrated Platform
Security and privacy incident detection service and management platform for cloud applications

Cloud Management

SWITCH Workbench
Development and execution of time-critical applications in clouds SecureCloud Platform
Secure processing of big data in untrusted clouds

UNICORN Integrated Platform
Features a cloud orchestration service for multi clouds

Secure Data Sharing

SUNFISH Platform
Enables protected data sharing between untrusted entities CREDENTIAL Wallet Platform
Privacy-friendly cloud data sharing

Architecture for secure cloud-based data sharing

Application Development

UNICORN Integrated Platform
Fast and secure design, release and management of multi-cloud applications

SLA Management

SPECS Framework
Creation of reusable Platforms-as-a-Service that offer services granted by security service level agreements


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