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Signer-Anonymous Designated-Verifier Redactable Signatures for Cloud-Based Data Sharing

David Derler, Stephan Krenn, and Daniel Slamanig. “Signer-Anonymous Designated-Verifier Redactable Signatures for Cloud-Based Data Sharing“, in: CANS 2016, LNCS, Milan/Italy, Springer. (in press)


PRISMACLOUD Presentation at ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2016

Thomas Länger (University of Lausanne) presented "Selected Cloud Security Patterns For Improving End User Security and Privacy in Public Clouds" at the 4th Annual Privacy Forum organised by ENISA on 7th - 8th September in Frankfurt, Germany! Download the presentation!


Selected Cloud Security Patterns to Improve End User Security and Privacy in Public Clouds

Länger, T., Pöhls, H. C., Ghernaouti, S: "Selected Cloud Security Patterns to Improve End User Security and Privacy in Public Clouds"; in: Privacy Technologies and Policy, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Privacy Forum APF 2016, Springer LNCS, ISBN 978-3-319-44759-9


Efficient Third Party Auditing for a Distributed Storage System

When using distributed storage systems to outsource data storage into the cloud, it is often vital that this is done in a privacy preserving way, i.e., without the storage servers learning anything about the stored data. Especially when storing...


PRISMACLOUD Tools: A cryptographic toolbox for increasing security in cloud services

The EC Horizon 2020 project PRISMACLOUD aims at cryptographically addressing several severe risks threatening end user security and privacy in current cloud settings. This shall be achieved by the provision of a reusable toolbox encapsulating cryptographic functionality from which...


Practical Signing-Right Revocation

Michael Till Beck, Stephan Krenn, Franz-Stefan Preiss, and Kai Samelin. “Practical Signing-Right Revocation“, in: Michael Franz and Panos Papadimitratos (eds.) TRUST 2016, pp. 21-39, LNCS 9824, Vienna/Austria, Springer.


Towards a Unified Secure Cloud Service Development and Deployment Life-cycle

A. Hudic, M. Flittner, P. Radl, T. Lorunser, R. Bless. Towards a Unified Secure Cloud Service Development and Deployment Life-cycle. SAW Workshop - ARES 2016. Salzburg, Austria, August 31 – September 2, 2016.


Towards Authenticity and Privacy Preserving Accountable Workflows

David Derler, Christian Hanser, Henrich C. Pöhls, Daniel Slamanig. Towards Authenticity and Privacy Preserving Accountable Workflows. 10th IFIP International Summer School. Edinburgh, UK, August 16-21, 2015.


Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Malleable Signatures in a Cloud-based eHealth Scenario

A. Alaqra, S. Fischer- Hübner, J.S. Pettersson and E. Wästlund (Karlstad University)Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Malleable Signatures in a Cloud-based eHealth Scenario.


LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving

Martín Vigil, Denise Demirel, Sheikh Mahbub Habib, Sascha Hauke, Johannes Buchmann, Max Mühlhäuser. LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving. The Tenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE 2016, July 24 - 28,...



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