D2.3 Use Case Specification
Contributing Partners LISPA, ETRA, ATOS, IRT Executive Summary The goal of this deliverable is providining a detailed description of the Use Cases in the three domains: E-Government, E-Health and Smart City. The first part of the document starts with...
DetailsD1.1 Project Handbook
Contributing Partners AIT Executive Summary This document underlines the management procedures for an effective tracking of the PRISMACLOUD project development including detailed description of the work plan and strategy. Especially, the principal aims of this handbook are to: give...
1st PRISMACLOUD User Advisory Board Workshop
On 16th February 2016 we had the great pleasure to meet and discuss with our User Advisory Board members during the 1st PRISMACLOUD UAB Workshop in Frankfurt. The purpose of this meeting was to gather expert feedback on use...
DetailsD1.2 First Management and Progress Report
Contributing Partners AIT, TUGRAZ Abstract This deliverable provides a short overview on the activities within the PRISMACLOUD project so far. It covers details on the status of the relevant tasks in all work packages and gives an overview of...
SECPID Symposium at ARES 2016
PRISMACLOUD and its partner project CREDENTIAL are organizing a Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud at this year's ARES conference, the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security in Salzburg/Austria. The workshop will provide a...
ERCIM News Magazine: PRISMACLOUD – Privacy and Security Maintaining Services in the Cloud No.104 January 2016
The PRISMACLOUD project has been published an article "PRISMACLOUD – Privacy and Security Maintaining Services in the Cloud" in ERCIM News Magazine No. 104 January 2016 describing the project's objectives and innovations.The article can be found on ERCIM News...
The legal status of malleable- and functional signatures in light of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
F.W.J. v. Geelkerken, H. C. Pöhls and S. Fischer-Hübner. The legal status of malleable- and functional signatures in light of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014. In Proc. of 3rd International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Law and Psychology 2015" (LPS...
PRISMACLOUD at e-Democracy 2015 in Athens
On December 10th Thomas Länger from University of Lausanne presented PRISMACLOUD project during e-Democracy 2015 in Athens, Greece. PRISMACLOUD generated considerable interest among the participants! Download the presentation
PRISMACLOUD at CloudCom 2015 in Vancouver
On December 4th, Andreas Happe (AIT) presented the paper ' ARCHISTAR: Towards Secure and Robust Cloud Based Data Sharing' at the 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science in Vancouver, Canada. The results are joint work of...
PRISMACLOUD at ICISC 2015 in Seoul
On November 25th, Daniel Slamanig (TU Graz) presented the paper 'A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions' at the 18th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology in Seoul, Korea. This research proposes a framework for formally modelling...