Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Malleable Signatures in a Cloud-based eHealth Scenario
A. Alaqra, S. Fischer- Hübner, J.S. Pettersson and E. Wästlund (Karlstad University)Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Malleable Signatures in a Cloud-based eHealth Scenario.
LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving
Martín Vigil, Denise Demirel, Sheikh Mahbub Habib, Sascha Hauke, Johannes Buchmann, Max Mühlhäuser. LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving. The Tenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE 2016, July 24 - 28,...
Cryptographically Enforced Four-Eyes Principle
A. Bilzhause, M. Huber, H. C. Pöhls and K. Samelin. Cryptographically Enforced Four-Eyes Principle. In Proc. of the Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud to be held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability...
Practical Round-Optimal Blind Signatures in the Standard Model from Weaker Assumptions
Georg Fuchsbauer, Christian Hanser, Chethan Kamath, and Daniel Slamanig. "Practical Round-Optimal Blind Signatures in the Standard Model from Weaker Assumptions". In Security and Cryptography for Networks - 10th International Conference, SCN 2016, Amalfi, Italy, August 31 - September 2,...
Signatures for privacy, trust and accountability in the cloud: applications and requirements
Title Signatures for Trust and Accountability in the Cloud: A Technical and User Perspective Authors Alaa Alaqra (Karlstad University), Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University), Thomas Groß (Newcastle University), Thomas Lorünser (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), and Daniel Slamanig (IAIK, Graz University...
Universal Composition with Responsive Environments
Jan Camenisch, Robert R. Enderlein, Stephan Krenn, Ralf Küsters, and Daniel Rausch, " Universal Composition with Responsive Environments", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive , 2016:034, 2016.
The legal status of malleable- and functional signatures in light of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
F.W.J. v. Geelkerken, H. C. Pöhls and S. Fischer-Hübner. The legal status of malleable- and functional signatures in light of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014. In Proc. of 3rd International Academic Conference of Young Scientists "Law and Psychology 2015" (LPS...
Non-Interactive Plaintext (In-)Equality Proofs and Group Signatures with Verifiable Controllable Linkability
Olivier Blazy, David Derler, Daniel Slamanig, and Raphael Spreitzer. Non-Interactive Proofs for Plaintext (In-)Equality and Group Signatures with Veri able Controllable Linkability. In Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2016, The Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference 2016, San Francisco, CA,...
A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions
David Derler, Henrich C. Pöhls, Kai Samelin, Daniel Slamanig. "A General Framework for Redactable Signatures and New Constructions", Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2015 - 18th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, November 25-27, 2015.
Cloud Security and Privacy by Design
Thomas Lorünser, Thomas Länger, and Daniel Slamanig "Cloud Security and Privacy by Design" 6th International Conference on E-Democracy, Athens, Greece, 10th - 11th December, 2015. Proceedings.