D4.4 Overview of functional and malleable signature schemes
Cloud computing is about outsourcing of storage to and processing of data at third party infrastructure. Besides many obvious benets, such a paradigm clearly comes with many security and privacy related problems, as cloud providers cannot be considered fully...
D2.2 Domain independent generic security models
This document is D2.2 “Domain independent generic security models” of task T2.2 “Refine and analyse domain independent generic requirements and security goals”. D2.2 is one of four main deliverables from work package WP2 “Use cases and re-quirements”. In addition...
D9.8 User Advisory Board Communication Summary 1
The User Advisory Board Communication Summary 1 deliverable presents the User Advisory Board (UAB) members, summarises the UAB communication strategy of the PRISMACLOUD project and the UAB activities carried out during the first year of the project. The PRISMACLOUD...
D9.2 Dissemination and Exploitation Report 1
This deliverable presents the dissemination, communication, and exploitation1 strategies of the PRISMACLOUD project. Further it documents and summarises all the activities undertaken during the first year of the project. There are three points that PRISMACLOUD had put its focus...
D4.1 Secret Sharing Protocols for Various Adversary Models
Contributing Partners AIT, TUDA Executive Summary Cloud computing is one of the major growth areas in ICT and will be at the heart of cyber physical systems and smart applications of the future. Although not being a fundamental new...
D3.1 Analysis of Current Baselines and Best Practices for Secure Services
Contributing Partners ATOS, LISPA, AIT, XiTrust, FCSR, MPL, IRT, ETRA Executive Summary The main aim of this task is to establish the baselines and best practices for security services within the PRISMACLOUD project development. In order to define those...
D2.4 Progress Report on Threat Analysis and Security Requirements
Contributing Partners CEA, ETRA, LISPA Executive Summary Absolute security does not exist and, in any system, security definition has, first, to start with a threat analysis (attacker profiling) and a definition of the information to protect (and against what),...
D2.3 Use Case Specification
Contributing Partners LISPA, ETRA, ATOS, IRT Executive Summary The goal of this deliverable is providining a detailed description of the Use Cases in the three domains: E-Government, E-Health and Smart City. The first part of the document starts with...
D1.1 Project Handbook
Contributing Partners AIT Executive Summary This document underlines the management procedures for an effective tracking of the PRISMACLOUD project development including detailed description of the work plan and strategy. Especially, the principal aims of this handbook are to: give...
D1.2 First Management and Progress Report
Contributing Partners AIT, TUGRAZ Abstract This deliverable provides a short overview on the activities within the PRISMACLOUD project so far. It covers details on the status of the relevant tasks in all work packages and gives an overview of...