PRIvacy & Security MAintaining Services in the CLOUD
D8.4 e-Health use case validation


D8.4 e-Health use case validation

Contributing Partners ATOS, FCSR Executive Summary The PRISMACLOUD e-Health demonstrator aims at integrating and using the project results with the objective of testing and validating the e-Health related services provided by the project. Project outcomes are divided in two...

D8.2 Smart City use case validation


D8.2 Smart City use case validation

Contributing Partners ETRA, MPL Executive Summary PRISMACLOUD demonstrators make use of the RTD results in order to test, assess and validate the whole project outcomes. The software components developed to build the PRISMACLOUD cloud services are now integrated to...

D8.3 E-Government use case validation


D8.3 E-Government use case validation

Contributing Partners LISPA, UNEW Executive Summary  PRISMACLOUD demonstrators make use of the RTD results in order to test, assess and validate the whole project outcomes. The software components developed to build the PRISMACLOUD cloud services are now integrated to...

D7.4 Holistic security model for secure service composition


D7.4 Holistic security model for secure service composition

Contributing Partners UNI PASSAU, MPL Executive Summary With this final deliverable PRISMACLOUD shows how to successfully link the whole 4-tiers of the PRISMACLOUD architecture and provide service developers with so-called Service Capabilities to advertise their newly developed services more...

D7.9 Second release of software modules for use case integration and validation


D7.9 Second release of software modules for use case integration and validation

This report provides the final overview of the work done in the frame of task T7.4 - Software development of framework and components to realize use cases. This is the third report of the task, an iteration over deliverable...

D5.11 Verifiable computing techniques and integrity preserving modifications for data managed by secure storage solutions


D5.11 Verifiable computing techniques and integrity preserving modifications for data managed by secure storage solutions

PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application, to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services, and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this deliverable is to extend the architecture...

D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2


D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2

This deliverable presents the dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities of the PRISMACLOUD project for the second reporting period, following the strategy described in D9.2 Dissemination and exploitation report 1. There are three main areas that PRISMACLOUD had put its focus...

D8.1 Specification of test-bed configurations for validation phase


D8.1 Specification of test-bed configurations for validation phase

Nowadays, big companies and public authorities are reluctant to entrust their most sensitive data to external parties for storage and processing, due there are no satisfactory approaches to adequately protect the data during its lifetime in the cloud. PRISMACLOUD...

D7.8 First release of software modules for use case integration and validation


D7.8 First release of software modules for use case integration and validation

This report provides a second overview of the work done in the frame of task T7.4 - Software development of framework and components to realize use cases. This is the second report of the task, an iteration over deliverable...

D6.8 Prototype of a secured device implementing crypto primitives


D6.8 Prototype of a secured device implementing crypto primitives

PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and makes them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to serve as an...



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