D6.4 Selection and specification of tools for software implementation
The Horizon 2020 project PRISMACLOUD reaches out to address several of the most pressing risks threatening end user security and privacy in current public cloud offerings with a portfolio of cryptographically secured services, providing dependable end-to-end security, without having...
D9.5 Initial assessment of current cloud standardization efforts
In its European Cloud Computing Strategy, the European Commission has pointed out the importance of standardisation for promoting the rapid adoption of cloud computing. Cloud computing products shall be evaluated and certified against standards, in order to support their...
D6.7 Document of specifications for hardware implementations
This document describes the specications of the selected cryptographic scheme for hardware implementation. The objective is to implement a redactable signature scheme that is robust to attacks with quantum computers. This redactable scheme will serve as a selective disclosure...
D5.5 Analysis of the requirements for and the state of the art for privacy and anonymisation techniques
This document sets the ground work for the implementation of the anonymisation service. We motivate the need for releasing data and provide formal definitions and background work related to anonymisation and privacy. The document also describes our work with the...
D5.1 Design of distributed storage systems without single-point-of- failure
Cloud computing is a major trend in the IT world and brings completely new delivery models for computing and storage resources to customers. The shift from locally hosted and specifically tailored IT systems to externally hosted and maintained IT...
D4.6 First year research report on Privacy-enhancing cryptography
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to document the progress...
D2.5 Risk and Threat Analysis with Security Requirements
Absolute security does not exist and, in any system, security definition has first to start with a threat analysis (attacker profiling) and a definition of the information to protect (and against what), second, to define security policies (how to...
D2.1 Legal, Social and HCI Requirements
This Deliverable presents legal, social, and HCI (Human Computer Interaction) requirements for the PRISMACLOUD project, which were elicited within the first nine months of the project for clarifying the legal status of novel signature schemes to be used in...
D5.8 Overview of verifiable computing techniques providing private and public verification
Cloud computing is an increasing trend within IT outsourcing that allows vendors to offer traditional IT facilities, such as storage and/or computational systems, via the Internet. Clearly, such a business model brings many benefits and often allows customers to...
D4.9 Analysis of the State of the Art of FPE, OPE and Tokenization schemes
This deliverable provides an overview of the state of the art on Format Preserving Encryption and Order Preserving Encryption. Based on the requirements and needs of the PRISMACLOUD project use cases, we refine and layout the specific requirements of...