D6.6 Final Release Efficient Implementation of Selected Components
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to serve as an...
D6.3 Proof-of-Concept Implementations of Basic Components
This document accompanies the software prototypes built for the deliverable D6.3, which is of type ’other’. These proof-of-concept implementations of cryptographic and closely related functionality provide the basis for their further development in PRISMACLOUD’s tools. This document contains information...
D6.2 Activity Report on Software Prototyping for Cryptographic Support
This report provides an overview of the software artefacts developed in parallel within the PRISMACLOUD project and this is the final report of its predecessor D6.1 Intermediate activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support. It contains updated information...
D5.10 Privately and publicly verifiable computing techniques providing privacy, integrity, and authenticity (VERIDAP Tool)
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application, to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services, and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this deliverable is to outline the architecture...
D5.4 Tools for Encryption and Tokenization Techniques Developed in T4.4
In the deliverable D4.10 we described the underlying algorithms for FPE, OPE and anonymization that we developed during the project. In particular, with respect to encryption, we developed a framework for general formats definition, and fast encryption/decryption techniques, operating...
D4.11 Final Design and Evaluation
In this document, we present our progress with respect to FPE, OPE and anonymization in the last year. In the previous report (D4.10 [1]) we described the underlying algorithms for FPE, OPE and anonymization that we had developed, implemented...
D4.8 Report on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to document the progress...
D4.5 Signature Schemes Allowing for Verifiable Operations on Authenticated Data
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to document the progress...
D4.3 Efficient Sharing-Based Storage Protocols for Mixed Adversaries
Efficient and secure cloud-storage solutions are of increasing importance in real-world ITsecurity applications and a vibrant field of research. In that sense, PRISMACLOUD tries to address confidentiality, integrity, and high availability of distributed data in the cloudcomputing context. In...
D3.5 Business and Governance Model for Cryptographically Secured Services
The present document compiles the work carried out in T3.3 business and governance models after two years and a half of the start of the project, as an extension of the work reported in D3.4 Progress report on business...