D4.10 Initial Design and Evaluation
In this document, we present our progress with respect to FPE, OPE and anonymization in the last year. We have developed and implemented the underlying algorithms for FPE, OPE and anonymization. We have evaluated those algorithms using PRISMACLOUD use...
D4.7 Progress Report on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to document the progress...
D4.2 Progress Report on Efficient Sharing Based Storage Protocols
Secure distributed storage solutions and their derivatives are of increasing importance in every-day life and a very vibrant eld of research. PRISMACLOUD tries to address confidentiality, integrity, and high availability of distributed data in the cloud-computing context. In particular,...
D3.6 Progress Report on Secure Cloud Usage for End Users
This is the progress report of the task T3.4 “Secure cloud usage for end users”. We are here in the context of work package WP3, “End user and business deployment”, which is the work package with the objective to...
D7.7 Software architecture and interface specification
This report provides an overview of the preliminary work taken in the frame of task 7.4 Software development of framework and components to realize use cases. This is the first report of the task and will be updated as...
D7.5 First version of guidelines and architecture for secure service composition
This report covers the first interim results of "Task 7.3 Architecture and guidelines for secure service composition". In particular, it presents the first iteration of the PRISMACLOUD architecture and the associated development methodology Cryptographic Service Development Livecycle (CryptSDLC). It also...
D7.3 Progress report on holistic security model for secure service composition
In this report we describe the concept behind PRISMACLOUD's service capabilities. A Service Capability is a security & privacy relevant property that is of importance for the application domain of the service and that can be described in a...
D6.1 Intermediate activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support
This report provides an overview of all the software artefacts developed in parallel within the PRISMACLOUD project. This is the first report and it will become updated by the final report delivered as D6.2 at month 30 (August 2017). The...
D3.4 Progress Report on Business and Governance Models for Cryptographically Secured Services
The present document compiles the work carried out in T3.3 business and governance models after one year and a half of the start of the project. It begins with a brief analysis of state of the art business models in...
D6.4 Selection and specification of tools for software implementation
The Horizon 2020 project PRISMACLOUD reaches out to address several of the most pressing risks threatening end user security and privacy in current public cloud offerings with a portfolio of cryptographically secured services, providing dependable end-to-end security, without having...