Short Double- and N-Times-Authentication-Preventing Signatures from ECDSA and More
Double-authentication-preventing signatures (DAPS) are signatures designed with the aim that signing two messages with an identical first part (called address) but different second parts (called payload) allows to publicly extract the secret signing key from two such signatures. A...
D9.3 Dissemination and exploitation report 2
This deliverable presents the dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities of the PRISMACLOUD project for the second reporting period, following the strategy described in D9.2 Dissemination and exploitation report 1. There are three main areas that PRISMACLOUD had put its focus...
D8.1 Specification of test-bed configurations for validation phase
Nowadays, big companies and public authorities are reluctant to entrust their most sensitive data to external parties for storage and processing, due there are no satisfactory approaches to adequately protect the data during its lifetime in the cloud. PRISMACLOUD...
D7.8 First release of software modules for use case integration and validation
This report provides a second overview of the work done in the frame of task T7.4 - Software development of framework and components to realize use cases. This is the second report of the task, an iteration over deliverable...
D6.8 Prototype of a secured device implementing crypto primitives
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and makes them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to serve as an...
D6.6 Final Release Efficient Implementation of Selected Components
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this report is to serve as an...
D6.3 Proof-of-Concept Implementations of Basic Components
This document accompanies the software prototypes built for the deliverable D6.3, which is of type ’other’. These proof-of-concept implementations of cryptographic and closely related functionality provide the basis for their further development in PRISMACLOUD’s tools. This document contains information...
D6.2 Activity Report on Software Prototyping for Cryptographic Support
This report provides an overview of the software artefacts developed in parallel within the PRISMACLOUD project and this is the final report of its predecessor D6.1 Intermediate activity report on software prototyping for cryptographic support. It contains updated information...
D5.10 Privately and publicly verifiable computing techniques providing privacy, integrity, and authenticity (VERIDAP Tool)
PRISMACLOUD aims at bringing novel cryptographic concepts and methods to practical application, to improve the security and privacy of cloud based services, and make them usable for providers and users. The purpose of this deliverable is to outline the architecture...
D5.4 Tools for Encryption and Tokenization Techniques Developed in T4.4
In the deliverable D4.10 we described the underlying algorithms for FPE, OPE and anonymization that we developed during the project. In particular, with respect to encryption, we developed a framework for general formats definition, and fast encryption/decryption techniques, operating...